Saturday, September 4, 2010

Obama Calls For A Growing Thriving Middle Class!

President Obama calls for Americans to recommit to time-honored values, to heal the economy with a healthy stock market, bustling main street and a growing thriving middle class. This as opposed to the past Wall Street practices at the expense of working Americans, who were fighting harder and harder just to stay afloat.…
    . . . June


Obama's call for help
Abby Phillip -

President Barack Obama, in his weekly address to the nation, kicked off the Labor Day holiday weekend with a call to help rebuild the collapsing American middle class.

“This Labor Day, we should recommit ourselves to our time-honored values and to this fundamental truth: to heal our economy, we need more than a healthy stock market; we need bustling main streets and a growing, thriving middle class,” Obama said.

Obama said that the deep, lingering recession has dealt a hard blow to middle-income earners who had once made the American economy 'the envy of the world.” But he added that, even before the current recession began, “the values of hard work and responsibility that build this country had been given short shrift” in the recent past.

“For a decade, middle class families felt the sting of stagnant incomes and declining economic security,” Obama said. “Wall Street firms turned huge profits by taking, in some cases, reckless risks and cutting corners. All of this came at the expense of working Americans, who were fighting harder and harder just to stay afloat .…Ultimately, the house of cards collapsed.”

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