Will Elizabeth Warren fill the post for Wall Street Consumer Watchdog? According to the following article,Warren has served as chairwoman of the Congressional Oversight Panel, a watchdog group for the financial bailout program. She has been championed by many left-wing Democrats, who see her outspokenness, intellect and sarcastic sense of humor a perfect fit to police Wall Street's shenanigans. Sounds good to me!
. . . June
White House eyes Elizabeth Warren for Wall Street consumer watchdog post
WASHINGTON - The White House is considering its options for naming frontrunner Elizabeth Warren as the government's Wall Street consumer watchdog, sources told the Daily News Tuesday.
Warren has served as chairwoman of the Congressional Oversight Panel, a watchdog group for the financial bailout program. She has been championed by many left-wing Democrats, who see her outspokenness, intellect and sarcastic sense of humor a perfect fit to police Wall Street's shenanigans.
President Obama may still pick someone else to fill the post created by the new financial reform law. But he also is weighing whether to appoint Warren as temporary head of
the Treasury Department's
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau or avoid Senate confirmation by giving her a recess appointment, according to an administration official.
"If we do it as a recess appointment...she's out a short time later. There may be a way to get her in there now," said an administration official.
Warren, a
Harvard law professor who specializes in finance and bankruptcy law and has long backed the new watchdog agency, has some strong boosters, including Obama, who has known her since his days at
Harvard Law School. There are also senior aides who like the idea.
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